Bento 64bits RC1

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A few days of work have been enough to pull out of first edition of Bento 64 bits RC1, built on Ubuntu Mini Remix 12.04, and with the fantastic Ubuntu Builder tool, in the same was as Bento 32 bits has been built. This is an Operating System which might benefit of the same support as the official LTS have, and be used up to 2017.

Bureau Bento 64bits

Several months of work had been used to create and improve Bento 32bits, which allowed the Bento x86_64 to reuse most of the work and helped gaining a lot of time.

It is now ready to be tested under the hardest conditions!

Minimal hardware requirements: a computer with an Intel 64bits or AMD 64bits processor, 768 MB RAM minimum for a comfortable use.

The 64bits edition looks a lot to it’s little sister the 32bits edition, same look and feel, same types of configuration, only the kernel, and at the moment, the list of applications is a little different

It is provided with a 3.11 kernel, but could be coming with a 3.8 in a next version, as it seems as good in features but smaller. The end user programs provided are Libreoffice for the text processing, spreadsheets and so on, Mousepad for the text editor, a web browser, evince to read pdf files, Xchat to visit IRC, Sylpheed for the mail, Xnoise for the video and audio collections, deadbeef as a light audio reader, and a few command line programs.

Bento 64bits RC1 seems very stable. However, this will be the job of the testers to tell use what can be missing to improve it.

bento-x86-64-12.04.4-RC1.iso   15-Mar-2014 03:51    698M
bento-x86-64-12.04.4-RC1.iso.md5sum   15-Mar-2014 03:51    63
bento-x86-64-12.04.4-RC1.iso   15-Mar-2014 03:51    698M
bento-x86-64-12.04.4-RC1.iso.md5sum   15-Mar-2014 03:51    63


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