While summer has elapsed part way, through rains and sun, with heat-waves followed by fresh days and gray sky looking like the end of autumn, the Bento Village project continues to go it’s way.
What’s new? Plenty things. A new domain name: bentovillage.org, is used for a mailing list created with the help of Phillw’s friends, and dedicated to develop future new Bento editions. For the time being the future Bento Trusty is being built, while a list of the elements used is being written, for further use when we will be switching from the Ubuntu Builder tool to another method.
The lists can be obtained here:Building-Bento-Trusty ; Details-Bento-config.
Right now some updated editions of Bento Precise are being built. The PAE and non PAE 32bits versions are now online, the x86_64 version will be just after, before tomorrow most probably, and the eeepc 1101 will follow.
Another great news:
So far we have a space for downloads at Philippe Whiteside’s server, Phillw.net, but no mirror on another server so far, but Gandi.net, our host and sponsor for this one website, offers us an additional space as storage and download, which will be used as a mirror for the ISO files. All is left to do is using this space and place a copy of the files. Many thanks to Phillippe, and many thanks to the Gandi.net team!