Bento Openbox Trusty
The other programs are the ones installed in Sushi, which is the minimalistic version:
User interface:
Midori to surf the web, Geany as text editor and programming tool with syntax coloration;Text mode tools:
sdparm, testdisk, htop, mc, lftp, hdparm lshw, openssh-server, openssh-client, rtorrent…Other Internet software:
Some tools for the network, including network-manager-gnome, wpasupplicant, wpagui;Transparency:
Xcompmgr is installed and configured, Compton is installed and is waiting for some configuration;Several community sources have been added with their PPA repos and some of their software:
- « ppa:mati75/lubuntu-testing » provides Openbox 3.6.0 git with a patch from Mati75 allowing to use xdg-autostart instead of python-xdg, if obsession is installed, and provides Midori 0.5.9 to replace the old Midori 0.4.3 from the repositories;
- « ppa:kalgasnik/ppa » for lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings, provides a graphical tool to customize the lightdm login screen;
- « ppa:ravefinity-project/ppa » for vibrantly-simple-icon-theme, an awesome icon theme provided with several colors to choose from.
Comme déjà dit sur les réseaux sociaux, nous avons téléchargé et testé la distribution avec bonheur, et l’avons mis en production auprès de particuliers avec le même bonheur.
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bonjour je suis nouveau dans environnement du libre
peut ton l’installer à cote de windows. si oui comment ça se passe merci bien
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ento Openbox en suivant les indications ici :