Bento 2020 soon available!
First, have a look to the new Bento Openbox!

I had produced Ubuntu remixes on top of Ubuntu Mini Remix in 2012 and 2014, but I had to find a new basis to rebuild as Fabrizio BALLIANI gave up on his project.
A reminder : Bento Openbox comes with a set of light components easy to use which makes the system easy to use and very snappy while relying on Ubuntu GNU/Linux. Therefore less programs are needed in order to get a functional computer, and more computer power is available for the user’s software.
Additionnally some computers being able to start in CD only, or with the network, which isn’t always at reach for the users, the disk images size provided are less than 700 Mo as much as possible, which has become difficult to do when using these modern GNU/Linux distributions meant for a large audiance!
I had timidly produced a 16.04 version using Bento Openbox 14.04 as a basis, which led me to remove many user programs in order to obtain a small disk image.
The result was a usable system, however I was not fully satisfied.
At last this year I decided to start from another basis :Â the excellent Xubuntu Core produced by Unit193 !
No more 32bits versions : Ubuntu doesn’t provide them anymore.
We will have Bento antiX instead in order to continue providing for old computers, therefore rebuilt on antiX (i486 kernels for the 32bits computers and also for 64bits, plus UEFI might also be possible).
There is indeed a Bento Openbox Remix, there will also be Bento antiX versions which will evolve further.
Everything is still in test, already good for use, and needs some more improvements.
Stay tuned!
Bento 2020 soon available!
First, have a look to the new Bento Openbox!

I had produced Ubuntu remixes on top of Ubuntu Mini Remix in 2012 and 2014, but I had to find a new basis to rebuild as Fabrizio BALLIANI gave up on his project.
A reminder : Bento Openbox comes with a set of light components easy to use which makes the system easy to use and very snappy while relying on Ubuntu GNU/Linux. Therefore less programs are needed in order to get a functional computer, and more computer power is available for the user’s software.
Additionnally some computers being able to start in CD only, or with the network, which isn’t always at reach for the users, the disk images size provided are less than 700 Mo as much as possible, which has become difficult to do when using these modern GNU/Linux distributions meant for a large audiance!
I had timidly produced a 16.04 version using Bento Openbox 14.04 as a basis, which led me to remove many user programs in order to obtain a small disk image.
The result was a usable system, however I was not fully satisfied.
At last this year I decided to start from another basis :Â the excellent Xubuntu Core produced by Unit193 !
No more 32bits versions : Ubuntu doesn’t provide them anymore.
We will have Bento antiX instead in order to continue providing for old computers, therefore rebuilt on antiX (i486 kernels for the 32bits computers and also for 64bits, plus UEFI might also be possible).
There is indeed a Bento Openbox Remix, there will also be Bento antiX versions which will evolve further.
Everything is still in test, already good for use, and needs some more improvements.
Stay tuned!