This edition has been rebuilt ton top of the Bento antiX x86_64 edition already available online, and comes with some additional packages. Also some applications have been replaced with some more often required and larger in size.
The download file is 1100 MB. In this Bento antiX edition you will find the programs and features presented on the presentation page along with the following changes:
- Atril replaces xpdf to display pdf files
- File-roller replaces xarchiver to manage archives. It comes with p7zip and p7zip-full as dependancies
- Firefox replaces Epiphany-browser and the packages firefox-l10n-xpi-en-gb et firefox-l10n-xpi-fr have been added for the locales.
/!\ Warning : Firefox is default configured to display the menus in English. If you use another language in your system, it is necessary to reconfigure Firefox settings after having installed the system. A tutoriel is available here (To be done).
- Geeqie replaces gpicview to display images and pictures
The following applications have been added:
- Thunderbird for the messenging
- Thunderbird-l10n-all for languages
- Libreoffice 6.1.5 from the office suite, including:
- libreoffice-calc
- libreoffice-gtk3
- libreoffice-writer
- libreoffice-draw
- libreoffice-impress
as well as the following language packages:
- libreoffice-l10n-en-gb
- libreoffice-l10n-fr
Also the following useful applications for current use have been installed:
- pdfshuffler 1.4.2 to manipulate pdf files (add or remove pages, switch pages order, split or merge pdf’s).
To setup printing and scanning (the relevant drivers will still have to be installed according to each printer/scanner brand and model):
- cups
- printer-driver-cups-pdf
- printer-driver-gutenprint
- system-config-printer
- system-config-printer-udev
- sane
- xsane
- simple-scan
- Galculator a scientific calculator
- Gimp, for image editing and creation
Following programs have been added for more features:
- Go-mtpfs and mtp-tools to allow easier access to the files in some Android smartphones;
- Grub-customizer to customize or reinstall the bootloader;
- gnome-system-tools to configure users and groups, time and date, and NFS and Samba shares;
- Gnome Software, to seek for and install application software;
- An additional firmware for Broadcom wifi cards: broadcom-sta-common;
Some fonts for the current use:
- fonts-droid-fallback
- fonts-junicode
- fonts-jura
- fonts-liberation
Multimédia streams treatment (sound/image)
- gstreamer1.0-nice
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
- gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio
- gstreamer1.0-vaapi
- gstreamer1.0-x
The system has also been fully updated.
To get it, go to the Downloads page.