Two small and light Graphical User Interfaces will appear in the menus in a next version of Bento Openbox.
Author: melodie
Presentation Bento Trusty RC2
Bento Openbox Trusty
The other programs are the ones installed in Sushi, which is the minimalistic version:
User interface:
Midori to surf the web, Geany as text editor and programming tool with syntax coloration;Text mode tools:
sdparm, testdisk, htop, mc, lftp, hdparm lshw, openssh-server, openssh-client, rtorrent…Other Internet software:
Some tools for the network, including network-manager-gnome, wpasupplicant, wpagui;Transparency:
Xcompmgr is installed and configured, Compton is installed and is waiting for some configuration;Several community sources have been added with their PPA repos and some of their software:
- « ppa:mati75/lubuntu-testing » provides Openbox 3.6.0 git with a patch from Mati75 allowing to use xdg-autostart instead of python-xdg, if obsession is installed, and provides Midori 0.5.9 to replace the old Midori 0.4.3 from the repositories;
- « ppa:kalgasnik/ppa » for lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings, provides a graphical tool to customize the lightdm login screen;
- « ppa:ravefinity-project/ppa » for vibrantly-simple-icon-theme, an awesome icon theme provided with several colors to choose from.
Bento Openbox Vivid RC1 and RC2
The two new ISOs, are Release Candidates, and are for this reason reduced sized test versions ( 475MB) for a Vivid edition of Bento Village with the codename “Sushi”. They come with almost no application for everyday use, and tools for the advanced users.
As a reminder, Bento Openbox is a super light version built on Ubuntu and easy to use for everyone.
Here are a few programs contained in Sushi:
User Interface:
Midori to surf the web, geany as text editor and programming tool with syntax
Text tools:
sdparm, testdisk, htop, mc, lftp, hdparm lshw, openssh-server
openssh-client, rtorrent,
tools for the network include network-manager-gnome,
wpasupplicant, wpagui,
xcompmgr is installed and configured, compton is installed
and waiting for the xcompmgr configuration files to be ported to compton.
There are also several community PPA and their program:
- The “ppa:mati75/lubuntu-testing” provides Openbox 3.6.0 git with a patch written by Mati75 allowing to use xdg-autostart from the obsession project, instead of python-xdg if obsession is installed, and provides Midori 0.5.9 as a replacement to the old Midori 0.4.3 from the actual repositories;
- The “ppa:kalgasnik/ppa” pour lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings, as it’s name states, provides a graphical user interface to configure the Lightdm login screen;
- The “ppa:ravefinity-project/ppa” brings the vibrantly-simple-icon-theme, a beautiful and lean icon theme which comes with several colors.
The RC1 version contains resolvconf while the RC2 provides openresolv. I have not yet made my mind about which of the two does a better job for the resolver. Some feedback are needed in order to pick up one for the future final version.
As always, get to the Downloads page to get them.
All sorts of Bento
A little Bento Sushi
Les versions en cours de construction ont pour nom de code “Sushi”. Je commence aujourd’hui la construction de Bento Sushi en utilisant l’image ISO de Ubuntu Mini Remix 14.04.1 64bits.
La version 32bits est déjà en ligne, elle porte la mention “rc4”, vous pouvez la trouver ici:
(la rc3 on oublie !)
Outils employés:
Ubuntu Mini Remix 14.04.1 – Ubuntu Builder. Il n’est plus maintenu, mais je tourne toujours en 12.04 (à jour) pour les constructions, donc ça fonctionne encore.
Ingrédients suivants:
Un sources.list complet à jour pour Trusty, puis après un “apt-get update” dans la console chroot de Ubuntu Builder, un ajout de clés d’authentification. (à cause du message NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C1192 à la fin de la mise à jour des sources).
Mise à jour complète, et extinction du système. (Pour qu’au redémarrage il puisse s’apercevoir qu’il a deux noyaux dont un à supprimer).
Redémarrage, suppression des paquets inutiles, et installation de Synaptic, ainsi que de software-properties-gtk qui sont indispensables, car il y a un accès chroot à Synaptic dans Ubuntu Builder.
Dommage que ce programme ne soit plus développé, car il est réellement facile à utiliser !
Bento Village evolution
While summer has elapsed part way, through rains and sun, with heat-waves followed by fresh days and gray sky looking like the end of autumn, the Bento Village project continues to go it’s way.
What’s new? Plenty things. A new domain name:, is used for a mailing list created with the help of Phillw’s friends, and dedicated to develop future new Bento editions. For the time being the future Bento Trusty is being built, while a list of the elements used is being written, for further use when we will be switching from the Ubuntu Builder tool to another method.
The lists can be obtained here:Building-Bento-Trusty ; Details-Bento-config.
Right now some updated editions of Bento Precise are being built. The PAE and non PAE 32bits versions are now online, the x86_64 version will be just after, before tomorrow most probably, and the eeepc 1101 will follow.
Another great news:
So far we have a space for downloads at Philippe Whiteside’s server,, but no mirror on another server so far, but, our host and sponsor for this one website, offers us an additional space as storage and download, which will be used as a mirror for the ISO files. All is left to do is using this space and place a copy of the files. Many thanks to Phillippe, and many thanks to the team!
Bento eeepc 1101HA and updates
As of June 30th all Bento versions have been updated, and new editions have been produced. Bento also comes now with a i686 non PAE as well as a i686 PAE version.
Get them all from the Downloads page!
New mirror for Bento Ubuntu Remix
Bento, the little Ubuntu Openbox made easy distribution, now has a mirror. While the main repos is hosted by Phillw on a virtual machine on his CentOS server, the replicated images are on another one of his servers, powered by Ubuntu, also in a virtual machine managed by JasonO. Thanks to them both! Thanks also to captnfab, for his great help!
The repository:
The mirror:
New, zsync files for Bento
Hosting and mirrors
Phillw, of the Lubuntu community, has been providing us with a webspace since several months already, for our ISO files on his webserver,
Phillw has zsync on his server, and we decided to make zsync files for the Bento 32 et 64bits versions of the Ubuntu Remix. Later there will be one or more mirrors also providing ISO files and zsync files allowing direct download or zsync synchronisation, which will allow users and testers to save bandwidths when refreshing their downloads.
There are now two directories, one for each of the two architectures.
Using zsync
Open your console ; the command line to use for the i686 version is this one:
This will download the bento-i686.iso file. For the x86_64 version:
Linuxvillage hosted at Gandi!
After last month events, Linuxvillage and it’s forum are back. had gone through a crash, caused by a corruption of the filesystem, which have triggered the lost of all the hosted databases (about 900 websites involved, I understood). It happened the last day on March, precisely on the “world backup day“. 🙁
After this, two persons offered to provide a place on their dedicated web servers, for Linuxvillage : but it turned out that I needed to dive into the configurations and learn how to manage servers and all the tools I could need, whereas I have no related knowledge, and no time or wish to learn about this. For our little community, wishing a stable and professional hosting, I went to, studied the PaaS hosting formula, which technically is in between a shared hosting and a dedicated server : they are servers of a given size, installed on virtual machines/vhosts.
After a few discussions with leading persons at, we have been offered a PaaS, for a period of 6 months. We accepted the offer with the greatest pleasure, and now we are back ! \o/ The forum and the website are here again. 🙂
Many thanks to the team