Bento Openbox Remix 24.04.1

Built on the Ubuntu Openbox Remix 22.04 LTS version, available on the download page, here it is, arriving right on January 1st, 2025!
The direct links:

If necessary, be sure to read this article on methods for downloading a disk image containing a system and verifying the file’s integrity after downloading.

We wish you a Happy New Year 2025 with plenty of Linux Penguins in your homes!!!

Distribution content

The ISO image is 2.4 GB, contains most of the programs necessary for everyday use. You will find Firefox to surf the web, the Thunderbird client to manage your email, Libreoffice Writer, Calc, and Impress for office needs… In addition, the Synaptic package manager will allow you to install even more applications.

Desktop environment

The environment is composed of lightweight elements brought together and working together through ready-to-use configurations. This is how Bento Openbox Remix was designed from the start. Openbox, the advanced window manager, offers a complete menu from a right-click on the desktop, as well as on the panel. It also provides a session management menu: “Right-click → Quit” which allows you to shut down, restart, put the system to sleep, change users or quit the session.

The panel has changed since version 22.04. We had LXpanel, a very easy-to-configure panel thanks to graphical tools. In this new version, we have Tint2, lighter, more stable, but less obvious to customize. LXpanel has been set aside, following a bug that affects it in the latest versions of Ubuntu and makes it inoperative. However, the provided Tint2 panel is configured for most uses, and it is functional and stable. The session manager is still Lightdm.


Programs for everyday use are available from the “Cat head” menu on the left of the panel, and from the Openbox right-click menu “Applications”. (You can click on the screenshot below to display it full size).

Above in the accessories menu, we can notice an archive manager, a calculator,  a file manager, a text editor, and other programs.

The Graphics section comes with a scan software, and image viewer, a pictures manager, and Gimp, the image editing software.

The Multimedia menu will allow you to discover the audio volume manager, a lightweight audio player, a webcam utility, and the SMplayer video player, along with MPV (lighter, and on which SMplayer depends).

The Internet menu includes a network configuration manager, an IRC client, and the previously mentioned Thunderbird and Firefox.
These are provided by the Mozilla community to avoid relying on the snap package system. For those unfamiliar with this, we’ve chosen to keep things lightweight and use traditional installation methods for these applications. This ensures that updates are handled in the same way as the rest of the system.

The Office section includes the LibreOffice suite, offering spreadsheet, drawing, presentation, and word processing tools. PDF Arranger lets you manipulate PDFs by adding, removing, or merging pages. The Atril document viewer can open any PDF file. You can discover for yourself the following Settings and System sections, which offer extensive customization options.

Technical details

  • The kernel is Linux 6.8.0-49
  • The sound server is no longer Pulseaudio, but Pipewire
  • The software repository is installed, you will find it in the menu “System → Software”, or “Applications → System → Software” from the Openbox right-click menu

Bento antiX i486

Bento antiX i486 Openbox applications menus
Bento antiX i486 Openbox applications menus

Size: 695 MB

Bento antiX i486 is a respin from the distribution antiX Linux 32bit system with an i486 kernel,rebuilt with the help from members of the antiX forum https: //

The wallpaper comes from a Charlie Henson background on

User level : beginners and up.

Hardware requirements : from 1 GB RAM, 2 GB recommended, and 730 Mhz processor minimum + 7200 RPM HDD or SSD (PATA or SATA).

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Bento antiX i686 PAE

Bento antiX i686 menu Openbox
Bento antiX i686 PAEmenu Openbox

Size : 698 MB

Bento antiXi686 PAE is a spinoff of the antiX Linux 32bit system rebuilt with the help from members of the antiX forum

Wallpaper by Charlie Henson on and logo letters made with Gimp.

User level: beginners and up.

Hardware requirements: 1 GB RAM at least, 2 GB recommanded, and 32bits CPU with 730 Mhz minimum + HDD 7200 RPM ou SSD (PATA ou SATA).

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Bento Openbox antiX amd64

Bento antiX amd64 Openbox menus

Size: 678 MB

Bento antiX amd64 is a spinoff of the antiX Linux 64bit system rebuilt with the help from members of the antiX forum

Wallpaper by Charlie Henson on and logo letters made with Gimp.

User level: beginners and up.

Hardware requirements: 1 to 4 GB of RAM at least, and 64 bits processor, (minimum power not tested) + HDD 7200 RPM or SSD (PATA or SATA).

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Bento Openbox Remix 20.04 core

Bento Openbox Remix 20.04 core 5 is the latest Ubuntu Openbox Remix version available.

Bento Openbox Remix 2020
Bento Openbox 20.04

The installation image is 734 MB large, and reducing the size below 700 MB is now proving difficult. Also, Ubuntu no longer provides versions for older computers equipped with 32-bit processors.

However, Ubuntu is still a very good choice for an easy use on most computers, and thanks to the LTS editions, can allow keeping your installation always up to date.

To get it, go to the Downloads page.

/!\ This very stripped “core” version is intended for users who prefer minimalism, so if you would rather want an edition fit to use “out of the box” with many codecs and applications for everyday use, you will prefer either an official version or one of the community editions supported by Canonical.

Bento Openbox 2020 is around the corner

Bento 2020 soon available!

First, have a look to the new Bento Openbox!

Bento Openbox Remix 2020
Bento Openbox


I had produced Ubuntu remixes on top of Ubuntu Mini Remix in 2012 and 2014, but I had to find a new basis to rebuild as Fabrizio BALLIANI gave up on his project.

A reminder : Bento Openbox comes with a set of light components easy to use which makes the system easy to use and very snappy while relying on  Ubuntu GNU/Linux. Therefore less programs are needed in order to get a functional computer, and more computer power is available for the user’s software.

Additionnally some computers being able to start in CD only, or with the network, which isn’t always at reach for the users, the disk images size provided are less than 700 Mo as much as possible, which has become difficult to do when using these modern GNU/Linux distributions meant for a large audiance!

I had timidly produced a 16.04 version using Bento Openbox 14.04 as a basis, which led me to remove many user programs in order to obtain a small disk image.

The result was a usable system, however I was not fully satisfied.

At last this year I decided to start from another basis :  the excellent Xubuntu Core produced by Unit193 !

No more 32bits versions : Ubuntu doesn’t provide them anymore.

We will have Bento antiX instead in order to continue providing for old computers, therefore rebuilt on antiX (i486 kernels for the 32bits computers and also for 64bits,  plus UEFI might also be possible).

There is indeed a Bento Openbox Remix, there will also be Bento antiX versions which will evolve further.

Everything is still in test, already good for use, and needs some more improvements.

Stay tuned!


Bento Openbox Trusty soon final

After weeks of testing and improving details, Bento Trusty is out… as RC2. Indeed, while it looks like it’s ready for all, it would be good to let a large community test it.

The programs included in Bento Openbox Trusty : Libreoffice, all the needed packages to configure the printer, and also Gimp, Inkscape, gThumb, Mirage, Pdfshuffler, Simple Scan, Gspeaker, Guvqiew, many programs to configure everything and to setup the user preferences. Also all the programs presented in the post “ Bento Openbox Vivid RC1 and RC2

Bento Openbox

This is a fully updated version, were added Baobab (to see the HDD occupation), remplacement or LXrandr bu aRandr, added Pdfshuffler to manipulate pdf files and the gallery here after presents other graphical applications included:

Downloads page
32 and 64bits:
bento-trusty-rc2-i386.iso (689Mo)
bento-trusty-rc2-x86_64.iso (696 Mo)