Back or not back

Last night the coming back of the forum was brief and the right time to get a fresh copy of the databases. The former one was one week old, so not so good.

The situation takes time to be back to normal and it will anyhow be a temporary solution, therefore the solution will be to restore it somewhere else.

Could it be that LinuxVillage is a nomadic community? You should certainly not believe such a thing! 🙂


Bad news

Forum down!

Alas the forum has been unreachable since this evening. Due to problems about which they didn’t give details, the people of Kegtux who are managing the server had to migrate the data to a new server, and has been unable to avoid loosing some of the datas, which they announce to be 1234 Innodb tables.

We do have backups, but one week old. I will wait until monday evening last delay to restore a forum at some other place.