The two new ISOs, are Release Candidates, and are for this reason reduced sized test versions ( 475MB) for a Vivid edition of Bento Village with the codename “Sushi”. They come with almost no application for everyday use, and tools for the advanced users.

As a reminder, Bento Openbox is a super light version built on Ubuntu and easy to use for everyone.
Here are a few programs contained in Sushi:
User Interface:
Midori to surf the web, geany as text editor and programming tool with syntax
Text tools:
sdparm, testdisk, htop, mc, lftp, hdparm lshw, openssh-server
openssh-client, rtorrent,
tools for the network include network-manager-gnome,
wpasupplicant, wpagui,
xcompmgr is installed and configured, compton is installed
and waiting for the xcompmgr configuration files to be ported to compton.
There are also several community PPA and their program:
- The “ppa:mati75/lubuntu-testing” provides Openbox 3.6.0 git with a patch written by Mati75 allowing to use xdg-autostart from the obsession project, instead of python-xdg if obsession is installed, and provides Midori 0.5.9 as a replacement to the old Midori 0.4.3 from the actual repositories;
- The “ppa:kalgasnik/ppa” pour lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings, as it’s name states, provides a graphical user interface to configure the Lightdm login screen;
- The “ppa:ravefinity-project/ppa” brings the vibrantly-simple-icon-theme, a beautiful and lean icon theme which comes with several colors.
The RC1 version contains resolvconf while the RC2 provides openresolv. I have not yet made my mind about which of the two does a better job for the resolver. Some feedback are needed in order to pick up one for the future final version.
As always, get to the Downloads page to get them.